Emmadade Outreach Ministries (E.O.M.)

Emmadade Outreach Ministries (E.O.M.) is an outreach ministry with a vision to change and impact the world through the Dunamis (power) of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Consisting of preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ through conventions, crusades, revivals and conferences.


At Emmadade Outreach Ministries (E.O.M) we believe that “we possess our possessions”. Our focus is concentrating on bringing deliverance and liberating truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are here to bring hope and life to the immediate needs of people who are oppressed, rejected, abandon, forsaken, in darkness and marginalized through unusual situations.

Emmadade International Foundation

Emmadade International Foundation is a branch of Emmadade Outreach ministries which has the objective of ministering and spreading the good news of salvation as well as providing as much as possible some physical needs such as clothing and food. Another primary target of the foundation is to provide a livelihood for those who are ministered to. The foundation, a task placed on the heart of the visionary,

Apostle Emmanuel Adade was borne out of a burning desire to translate change from the inner self of people who come into contact with his ministry into spiritual and societal impact. It may not be enough to simply share God’s love only in words and messages. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the father is to visit orphans and widows in their affliction… EMIF, by God’s help and grace seeks to fulfil this vision as given by God and expand it to those who are privileged with strength to work and fend for themselves as well as their families.

EEMIF is a non-profit international organization to promote human dignity and sustains livelihood in Africa and other parts of the world.

EMIF is to work with families, individuals, and communities by tackling poverty in all forms and degrees.

The family is the backbone of the church as well as the foundational unit of any nation.

It is therefore imperative that all hands are placed on deck to equip the individual unit of any nation.

For it is when the family is well equipped and sound that we have a habitable nation, filled with real progress; progress with a sound spiritual footing.

How Emmadade International Foundation Helps

  • We tackle certain primary needs, such as water, sanitation, facilities, food, clothing, and shelter.
  • Healthcare facilities for the treatment of diseases and other tropical diseases.
  • Reaching out to Brilliant but needy students (Educational Opportunities), providing resources to promote education in the most disadvantaged communities.
  • Equipping young people with the necessary trade skills to enable them to have a meaningful and genuine source of income

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